Hello from Finland! ラハティ応用科学大学からインタビューを受けました!
【日本語は後半に続きます/Followed by Japanese Translation】
The interview from LAB University of Applied Sciences took place on 24th of July, talking about environmental education in Japan.
Annually, around 30 groups visit Miyako Ecology Center from overseas.
This interview via Zoom was conducted because Dr. Eeva Aarrevaara, the principal lecturer of faculty of technology, who has come to Miyako Ecology Center in 2018 introduced us to her fellow researchers and students.
Our work that is aiming to a sustainable society through public involvement activities such as exhibitions, events, human resource development for environmental activities and so on were introduced.
Furthermore, cooperation with local residents, organization such as NGOs, and private sectors, also planning and implementing events and PR were the other topics that we have discussed.
The interview ended with the hope of further cooperation between us.
At Miyako Ecology Center, activities to raise awareness on environmental issues in collaboration with various individuals and groups have been carried out.
Please feel free to contact us for further information from here.