Congratulation for finishing JICA program./ 修了おめでとう!(JICA日系研修員)
【日本語は後半に続きます/Followed by Japanese Translation】
Congratulation for finishing JICA program.
The course “Training for Environmental Education Leaders (Especially in Urban Areas)” which started 13th of January has successfully finished with a participant, Ms. Camila from Brazil. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, this year the course took over via internet instead of On the Job Training (OJT) at Miyako Ecology Center (Eco-cen).
The contents of the video lectures were “Introduction to Environmental Education” and “Methods of Planning Environmental Education Program” which were to learn the know-how of planning environmental education program, and “Methods to Plan Involvement of Locals” and “Volunteer Management” to learn collaboration with other organizations and local people to proceed environmental education.
On the final day, Ms. Camila presented an Action Plan (AP) coming from her desire to solve environmental issues in her community. The AP was to conduct an environmental education with help of Nikkei Association and induce participants to realize that importance of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (of the wastes)) and separation of wastes that would lead to reduce the amount of wastes ended up in the river of her community.
Under the circumstance of COVID-19, the disappointment of no OJT at Eco-cen this year was expressed. So, once the situation settles down, please come to Kyoto and our center, we will be waiting for you!
Annually, we have around 30 groups (approx. 400 people) of international visitors with variety of reasons at Eco-cen.
At Eco-cen, activities to raise awareness on environmental issues in collaboration with various individuals and groups have been carried out. Please feel free to contact us for further information from here.
Archive blog「Bon Dia from Brazil!/ブラジルからこんにちは!(JICA日系研修員)」:
For JICA “Training Program for Nikkei Communities” :
最終報告では、研修で学んだ事も盛り込みCamilaさんの在住地域にある日系人協会(Nikkei Association)を拠点とし,3Rや分別回収の重要性を説いたプログラムを実施する事で,川に流れ着くごみ全体の滞留量の低減を目指すことが提案されました。
「Bon Dia from Brazil!/ブラジルからこんにちは!(JICA日系研修員)」開始時の記事(アーカイブ)はこちら: