マレーシアで開催された「LESTARI SYMPOSIUM 2024」にエコセン館長が登場!
京エコロジーセンターを運営する(公財)京都市環境保全活動推進協会は、京都市やJICA (独立行政法人国際協力機構)と協力し「ASEANのモデルとなる低炭素社会実現に向けた人材育成とネットワーク拠点の機能強化プロジェクト」(事業期間:2021年10月~2025年1月、約3年3カ月)を実施しています。
We Kyoto Environmental Activities Association (KEAA), designated administrator of Miyako Ecology Center is cooperating with the City of Kyoto and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the JICA Partnersip Program titled ‘A Low Carbon Society Community Hub for Capacity-Building and Networking as a Model for ASEAN Countries’ (Project period: October 2021 – January 2025, approximately 3 years and 3 months).
This project targets Johor Bahru City in Iskandar Malaysia region, located in the southernmost part of Malaysia, aiming to establish a hub facility for Environmental Education and Environmental Conservation Activities (hereafter Eco-center) modelled after Miyako Ecology Center, functions independently as a HUB for low carbon society in Johor Bahru city and surrounding areas.
本事業の活動成果を報告するため、11月5日(火)にマレーシアのジョホールバル市庁舎にて「LESTARI SYMPOSIUM 2024」を開催し、ジョホールバル市民、エコセンターで活動する市民ボランティア、行政職員、民間企業、NPOなど国内外の関係者合わせて約200名が参加しました。
The LESTARI SYMPOSIUM 2024 was held on 5th November at the Johor Bahru City Hall in Malaysia to report on the results and achievement of this project’s activities. We had approximately 200 participants, including Johor Bahru citizens, environmental volunteers working at the Eco-center, government officials, private companies, NPOs and other stakeholders from Malaysia and ASEAN region.
This symposium featured reports on the Eco Center, presentations on Environmental Action Plans prepared by Malaysia and other ASEAN countries (Indonesia and Thailand) to promote environmental conservation activities, and booths showcasing the activities of primary and secondary schools in Johor Bahru city which actively involved in environmental activities.
Photo session with stake holders in Malaysia
Greetings from Mr.Niikawa, Director of Miyako Ecology Center
Action Plan Presentation by one of the ASEAN Cities Training participants from Bangkok, Thailand
Mr. Niikawa, Director of Miyako Ecology Center also participated in this symposium. He expressed his gratitude to the stakeholders in Malaysia who have worked together on this project so far, and said that he would like to continue the collaboration with Kyoto City and Japan, including Miyako Ecology Center even after the project ends with the aim of building a sustainable future for both Japan and Malaysia.
The final project symposium will also be held in Kyoto City on 15th December for the public! There will be a report from the professional staffs of the Eco-center established in Johor Bahru City, and a panel session to discuss what Miyako Ecology Center and Eco-center in Malaysia can do to achieve a decarbonised, citizen-led society for greener future.
Please come and hear how Kyoto’s initiatives are spreading to Malaysia and the ASEAN region! We look forward to your attendance!
For details and application, please click here.↓
【受付期間:11月15日(金)~12月14日(土)】JICA草の根技術協力事業 最終成果報告会「京都モデル、アジアへ拡大!京エコロジーセンターからつなぐ脱炭素のバトン」